Entries to Copy

This property box determines which entries the Replicate Entries activity copies and sends to the Destination Repository.

Note: You can only copy 8 items with this activity. Those items can be single entries or a group of entries returned by the Find Entries or Search Repository activities. For example, if the folder Meeting Minutes has a hundred entries and you use a Find Entries activity to find all entries in that folder, the Output Entries for that Find Entries activity would be 1 item even though it contains 100 entries.

To configure Entries to Copy

  1. Add the Replicate Entries activity to your workflow definition by dragging it from the Toolbox Pane and dropping it in the Designer Pane.
  2. Select the activity in the Designer Pane.
  3. Under ClosedEntries to Copy in the Properties Pane, click Add and select an entry to copy to the Destination Repository.
  4. Optional: To remove an entry from the Entries to Copy list, click the entry, and click Remove.
  5. Optional: Click the ClosedCopy Settings link to configure what is included when the entry is copied.